30 Min Glute Workout
We all know it’s not always possible to have access to a gym. However consistency is key to achieve results from an effective workout program.
This 30 min, do-anywhere workout to get a great sweat and whoop your derrière into shape, no matter where you are.
What You Need:
30 minutes
A GymBoss Timer or Smart Phone App timer
A chair or step
Hand Weights *Optional
MB’s Perfect Booty Circuit
Set your Interval timer for 11 rounds of 1 min : 1 minute intervals
Do 4 rounds of the following 5 exercises for 60 seconds with one min rest between rounds.
1.Pop Squats: Max Reps in 1 minute
Keep your hands at your side, feet shoulder-width apart, drop your butt as you spread your feet into a wider stance. Try to touch the floor with your hands at the bottom of the movement, and then drive into your heels to jump back up, bringing your feet together.
2. Bulgarian Squat: AMAP in 1 min for each leg. Hold hand weights for added resistance
Use a bench or chair to balance your rear foot on. Bend your knees until your glute is slightly lower than your front knee height, the only movement comes from pushing off your lead foot’s heel to move up and down.
3. Plyometric Bulgarian Split Squat: AMAP in 1 min per leg
This is a variation of the previous exercise, but the difference is that I want you to focus on pushing off your front foot and jumping slightly into the air.
4. Glute Bridge
Lie on the ground, hands by your sides, use your heels to drive your hips up toward the ceiling, isometrically squeeze your glutes at the top of this movement for 1 minute. If you feel it in your lower back more than your glutes, do intervals of 15-20 glute bridge pulses until you can keep the bridge squeeze for a full minute.
5. Lateral Side Lunge: ARAP in 1 min per leg
Stand upright with your arms at your side. Step out laterally to your side, lowering your body down toward the floor, leaning your torso slightly forward. Bending the knee of the lunging leg to a 90-degree angle then push through the heel of that foot to return to start position. Hold hand weights for added resistance.
Do each exercise back-to-back until you've done all five movements to complete one round. Then give yourself a 60-second rest before you start the next round.
Yes, it will burn, high fives, you’re doing it right!
Record how many reps you get for each exercise to have a target to beat next time, don’t quit, your strength will build with every workout. If you feel the workout is a bit too easy, shorten your rest time or increase the intensity with some hand weights.
Enjoy! Be sure to leave your feedback in the comments section! Cheers MB